Monday, April 18, 2011

Saran Wrapped

The first step involves stripping paint from the hull.  I bought Aqua Strip from Jamestown Distributors and applied a test coat to the port half of the hull.  It worked decently well but it dried out fairly quickly so I did some research.  One of the recommended methods was to use saran wrap to keep the moisture in.  So, I applied Aqua Strip to the entire hull and then laid down a bunch of cling wrap (I bought my own so my wife wouldn't have to wonder where the supply in the kitchen went).

After about four hours I removed the cling wrap and started scraping away on the hull.  The Aqua Strip did well in some places and not so well in others.  The end result isn't shown but the long and short of it is there is still a lot of paint on the hull.  I'll try another method next time and, in the interim, work on stripping the mast and boom of their varnish.

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