Sunday, June 5, 2011

Come on Baby!

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel at this point.  I tried a different technique this weekend as evidenced by the spray bottle on the port bottom of the hull.  I applied the Aqua Strip liberally and then sprayed the area with water every half an hour or so for about four hours.  The end result is the paint was eaten away quite well.  The only exception is the area I tried scraping too early.  That's a bad habit of mine that only costs me more time but I have trouble not scratching that itch.

As you may also be able to see the rudder is completely stripped now and the centerboard is under way.  I need some muscle to help me flip the penguin so I can remove the centerboard but in lieu of that I'll strip what I can see and continue to work on the hull.  The good news is that everything which shows (centerboard) stripped quite well with the new technique so the board must be about half way done.  The other good news is the port side of the hull is almost done and the transom is close to being ready for sanding.

I think, next weekend, I'll be applying epoxy cover coats to the rudder, daggerboard and transom.  I am quite excited about the possibility of getting going the other direction; namely putting the boat back together.